Package 'CFF'

Title: Simple Similarity for User-Based Collaborative Filtering Systems
Description: A simple, fast algorithm to find the neighbors and similarities of users in user-based filtering systems, to break free from the complex computation of existing similarity formulas and the ability to solve big data.
Authors: Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran [aut, cre] (<>, University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran), Seyed Mohammad Reza Lajevardi [ctb] (<>, University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran), Mahmoud Mahlouji Bidgholi [ctb] (<>, University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran)
Maintainer: Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0
Built: 2025-02-14 03:40:03 UTC

Help Index

Simple Similarity for User-Based Collaborative Filtering Systems


A simple, fast algorithm to find the neighbors and similarities of users in user-based filtering systems, to break free from the complex computation of existing similarity formulas and the ability to solve big data.



Package: CFF
Title: Simple Similarity for User-Based Collaborative Filtering Systems
Version: 1.0
Date: 2020-02-25
Authors@R: c(person(given="Farimah", family="Houshmand Nanehkaran", role = c("aut", "cre"), email="[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-1687-1719", "University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran")), person(given="Seyed Mohammad Reza", family="Lajevardi", role = c("ctb"), email="[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-4744-2784","University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran")), person(given="Mahmoud", family="Mahlouji Bidgholi", role = c("ctb"), email="[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-8895-8501","University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran")))
Maintainer: Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran <[email protected]>
Description: A simple, fast algorithm to find the neighbors and similarities of users in user-based filtering systems, to break free from the complex computation of existing similarity formulas and the ability to solve big data.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.0.2
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2020-02-25 11:52:47 UTC; farimah
Author: Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran [aut, cre] (<>, University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran), Seyed Mohammad Reza Lajevardi [ctb] (<>, University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran), Mahmoud Mahlouji Bidgholi [ctb] (<>, University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran)
Date/Publication: 2020-03-04 10:00:05 UTC
RemoteRef: HEAD
RemoteSha: 1d642bac05e7be4fbc3fc3a8f2d8464a06441cf7

Index of help topics:

CFF-package             Simple Similarity for User-Based Collaborative
                        Filtering Systems
Score_replace           Replacing of Neighbor Users' Ratings on
                        Non-Rated Items By The Active User
simple_predict          Prediction Unseen Items For The Active User
simple_similarity       Finding Neighbor Users And Their Similarity

User-Based Collaborative Filtering Systems


Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran [aut, cre] (<>, University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran), Seyed Mohammad Reza Lajevardi [ctb] (<>, University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran), Mahmoud Mahlouji Bidgholi [ctb] (<>, University=Islamic Azad University of Kashan,Kashan,Iran)

Maintainer: Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran <[email protected]>


Kumar, P., Kumar, V., & Thakur, R. S. (2019). A new approach for rating prediction system using collaborative filtering. Iran Journal of Computer Science, vol.2, no. 2, pp. 81-87.

Zhang, P., Zhang, Z., Tian, T., & Wang, Y. (2019). Collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm integrating time windows and rating predictions. Applied Intelligence, vol. 49, no. 8, pp. 3146-3157.

Gadekula, S. K., Rao, U. P., Vyas, R. K., Dontula, A. L., & Gaikwad, S. V. (2019). Improved Pearson Similarity for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System. In 2019 6th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), pp. 1047-1054, IEEE.


ratings <- matrix(c(  2,    5,  NaN,  NaN,  NaN,    4,
                    NaN,  NaN,  NaN,    1,  NaN,    5,
                    NaN,    4,    5,  NaN,    4,  NaN,
                      4,  NaN,  NaN,    5,  NaN,  NaN,
                      5,  NaN,    2,  NaN,  NaN,  NaN,
                    NaN,    1,  NaN,    4,    2,  NaN),nrow=6,byrow=TRUE)
active_users <- c(1:dim(ratings)[2])

time_all <- c(rep(NaN, length(active_users)))

ratings3 <- ratings

for (ac in 1:length(active_users))
  cat("=========== user",active_users[ac], "==================", "\n","\n")
  T1_start <- Sys.time()
  sim <- simple_similarity(ratings, max_score=5, min_score=1, ac)
  T1_end <- Sys.time()

  cat("    Similar Users =", sim$sim_index,                      "\n","\n")
  cat("Similarity Values =", sim$sim_x,                          "\n","\n")

  T2_start <- Sys.time()
  ratings2 <- Score_replace(ratings, sim_index= sim$sim_index, ac)
  T2_end   <- Sys.time()

  cat(" Predicted Scores =", ratings2[,ac],                      "\n","\n")

  T3_start <- Sys.time()
  predictedItems <- simple_predict(ratings, ratings2, ac)
  T3_end <- Sys.time()

  cat("  Predicted Items =", predictedItems,                    "\n","\n")

  time_all[ac] <- (T1_end - T1_start) + (T2_end - T2_start) + (T3_end - T3_start)

  cat("             Time =", time_all[ac],                      "\n","\n")

  ratings3[,ac] <- ratings2[,ac]

Mean_Time <- mean(time_all)

cat("=========== Mean Time ==================",                "\n","\n")

cat("         Mean Time =", Mean_Time,                         "\n","\n")

cat("       Full Matrix =",                                    "\n","\n")


Replacing of Neighbor Users' Ratings on Non-Rated Items By The Active User


The ratings of each user that has more similar to the active user are directly replaced in his unseen items.


Score_replace(ratings, sim_index, ac)



A rating matrix whose rows are items and columns are users.


Descending sorted indexes based on similarity to the active user who is a vector of integers.


The id of an active user as an integer (1aclengthofusers1\le ac \le length of users).


The unseen items of the active user are filled by the ratings of the similar users, respectively. Each element remains unchanged after one placement.



A matrix the size of the original user-item matrix in which the active user's empty elements are filled.


Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran

Maintainer: Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran <[email protected]>


Gadekula, S. K., Rao, U. P., Vyas, R. K., Dontula, A. L., & Gaikwad, S. V. (2019). Improved Pearson Similarity for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System. In 2019 6th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), pp. 1047-1054, IEEE.


ratings <- matrix(c(  2,    5,  NaN,  NaN,  NaN,    4,
                    NaN,  NaN,  NaN,    1,  NaN,    5,
                    NaN,    4,    5,  NaN,    4,  NaN,
                      4,  NaN,  NaN,    5,  NaN,  NaN,
                      5,  NaN,    2,  NaN,  NaN,  NaN,
                    NaN,    1,  NaN,    4,    2,  NaN),nrow=6,byrow=TRUE)

sim <- simple_similarity(ratings, max_score=5, min_score=1, ac=1)

ratings2 <- Score_replace(ratings, sim_index= sim$sim_index, ac=1)

Prediction Unseen Items For The Active User


In the predicted items list, items with more scores replace in top of the list.


simple_predict(ratings, ratings2, ac)



A rating matrix whose rows are items and columns are users.


A matrix the size of the original user-item matrix in which the active user's empty elements are filled.


The id of an active user as an integer (1aclengthofusers1\le ac \le length of users).


Collaborative filtering is a recommender system for predicting the missing ratings that an active user might have given to an item. These ratings have been calculated and accumulate in a vector by this function.



A sorted vector of predicted items based on the scores.


Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran

Maintainer: Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran <[email protected]>


Song, B., Gao, Y., & Li, X. M. (2020, January). Research on Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm Based on Mahout and User Model. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 1437, no. 1, p. 012095, IOP Publishing.

Ramakrishnan, G., Saicharan, V., Chandrasekaran, K., Rathnamma, M. V., & Ramana, V. V. (2020). Collaborative Filtering for Book Recommendation System. In Soft Computing for Problem Solving, pp. 325-338, Springer, Singapore.


ratings <- matrix(c(  2,    5,  NaN,  NaN,  NaN,    4,
                    NaN,  NaN,  NaN,    1,  NaN,    5,
                    NaN,    4,    5,  NaN,    4,  NaN,
                      4,  NaN,  NaN,    5,  NaN,  NaN,
                      5,  NaN,    2,  NaN,  NaN,  NaN,
                    NaN,    1,  NaN,    4,    2,  NaN),nrow=6,byrow=TRUE)

sim <- simple_similarity(ratings, max_score=5, min_score=1, ac=1)

ratings2 <- Score_replace(ratings, sim_index= sim$sim_index, ac=1)

predictedItems <- simple_predict(ratings, ratings2, ac=1)

Finding Neighbor Users And Their Similarity Values


Steps of calculating the similarity of one user to an active user :

1- Calculating the difference between the desired user ratings with the active user in common items.

2- Calculating the similarity value for each common item.

3- Calculating the mean value of similarities.


simple_similarity(ratings, max_score=5, min_score=1, ac)



A rating matrix whose rows are items and columns are users.


The maximum range of ratings.


The minimum range of ratings.


The id of an active user as an integer (1aclengthofusers1\le ac \le length of users).


The similarity of the active user with other users is obtained by the following formulas :

dif(ui,j)=r(ua,j)r(ui,j)dif_{(u_i, j)}=|r_{(u_a, j)}-r_{(u_i, j)}|

simdif(ui,j)=dif(ui,j)maxscoreminscore+1sim_{dif_{(u_i, j)}}=\frac{-dif_{(u_i, j)}}{max_score-min_score}+1

sim(ua,uj)=j=1Njsim(dif(ui,j))Njsim_{(u_a, u_j)}=\frac{\sum_{j=1}^{N_j}sim_{(dif_{(u_i,j)})}}{N_j}

j is the row number for the items and i is the column number for the users in the ratings matrix.

uiu_i is a ith column user and uau_a is an active user.

r(ua,j)r_{(u_a, j)} is the rating of active user in the jth row and r(ui,j)r_{(u_i, j)} is the rating of the ith user in the jth row.

dif(ui,j)dif_{(u_i, j)} is the difference of the rating for the ith user with the active user in the jth row.

simdif(ui,j)sim_{dif_{(u_i, j)}} is the similarity of the ith user with the active user in the jth row.

sim(ua,ui)sim_{(u_a, u_i)} is the similarity of the user i, with the active user.

NjN_j is the number of common items.

For example, suppose active user ratings are: {2, nan, 3, nan, 5} and one user ratings are: {3, 4, nan, nan, 1} then for ratings between 1 and 5:

dif={1, nan, nan, nan, 4} and

sim(dif)={151+1\frac{-1}{5-1}+1, nan, nan, nan, 451+1\frac{-4}{5-1}+1}={0.75, nan, nan, nan, 0}

and mean of sim(dif) is sim=0.375.


An object of class "simple_similarity", a list with components:


The call used.


Neighboring user similarity values in descending order.


Number of columns for neighboring users in descending order of similarity.


Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran

Maintainer: Farimah Houshmand Nanehkaran <[email protected]>


Mongia, A., & Majumdar, A. (2019). Matrix completion on multiple graphs: Application in collaborative filtering. Signal Processing, vol. 165, pp. 144-148.

Hong, B., & Yu, M. (2019). A collaborative filtering algorithm based on correlation coefficient. Neural Computing and Applications, vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 8317-8326.


ratings <- matrix(c(  2,    5,  NaN,  NaN,  NaN,    4,
                    NaN,  NaN,  NaN,    1,  NaN,    5,
                    NaN,    4,    5,  NaN,    4,  NaN,
                      4,  NaN,  NaN,    5,  NaN,  NaN,
                      5,  NaN,    2,  NaN,  NaN,  NaN,
                    NaN,    1,  NaN,    4,    2,  NaN),nrow=6,byrow=TRUE)#items*users

sim <- simple_similarity(ratings, max_score=5, min_score=1, ac=1)